Sue and Larry


About Laz and Sue

Larry and myself Suzie have always had a passion for adventure. We decided in 2013 to save for a caravan and go fullltime caravanning around Australia. We also decided the best way to do this was to move to and work on Hayman Island, in the Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia.

Larry was initially the Mechanic and then worked his way up to became the Utility’s Manager. Eventually returning to the island as the Engineering Manager.

I started doing whatever I could, to get on the island. Starting out in the laundry (you got to do what you got to do). I also worked in housekeeping and as resort gardener, a bit different from my job as an Assistant Nurse.

In July 2016 we bought a Jayco Starcraft. Larry, being a man of many talents, started to install what we needed to free camp and be fully self contained (see here). After building a trike and Hovercraft from scratch this came easy.

We started fulltime traveling in November 2016. There’s currently no end date planned. Working when needed to top up our funds. So far working on a WA Cattle Station (see here) and tropical island. With so much to see and do around this beautiful country we wanted to document our journey in this travel blog and on Facebook (see here). We share our travels as we keep doing laps and zigzags. We have been to every state and territory including Tasmania. Our hope is to inspire and encourage anyone thinking about travelling Australia to do it now.
We would be happy if our journey can help others to “live the dream and not just dream it”.
Follow our travels around Australia and drop us a message if you’d like to see something feature on our site. 
We look forward to meeting some of you on your travels.  
Remember…. “Don’t just dream it…. do it”.

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