Tips And Tricks For Caravanning –

As time goes by and we learn new things we’ll be adding those tips and tricks for the caravanning world on this page. If you have any good tips to share feel free to add to the comments and we can add them to the page .

Please note : A lot of these tips and tricks may relate more to someone who aims to free camp more so than caravan parks on power sites with endless water.

  • Wrap meat, You’ll gain so much more space in the freezer if you  un package meat bought from the store and wrap it into sizeable portions with Glad wrap. or get a vacuum sealer and use that instead.

tips for storing meat in your freezer

Remove packaging


  • Beer, Buy cans instead of bottles. Saves on space when disposing and you can squeeze more cans into some random storage spaces.

  • Grease your balls – OK that probably come out wrong but…. put a little bit of grease on your towball before hooking up, reduces wear on the ball and helps it pivot and reduces squeaking.

  •  WikiCamps – The best $7 or $8 you’ll ever spend is getting the wikicamps app from google play store. It marks out all the paid and free camp sites around Oz with user reviews and pricing and hints and tips. Well worth it.

  • Levelling blocks – DO get yourself some levelling blocks and a level spirit. Most places you stay aren’t perfectly level and the idea is to make your van sit level so your three way fridge works properly if you have one and also so that sinks drain properly and when doing dishes the run off water doesn’t head off down the back of the bench top. Our Drawbar is hard to find a consistent smooth place for the spirit level (bubble gauge)  to read properly so we base it on how level the sink top is.

  • Gas fitting – If you have a option to get a gas bayonet fitted to your van before purchase then do so, it’s a convenient option for plugging in the BBQ for the snags and steak.

  • Mirror bag – If you buy a set of Milenco extended mirrors ( which incidentally i recommend as they have a good strong mounting system, easy to look through and don’t shake like a naked eskimo) then use it to carry your 15amp, 20 metre long power cord in as it fits nicely 🙂

  • Oven temperatures

  • 140C = 275F = Gas Mark 1

  • 150C = 300F = Gas Mark 2

  • 160C = 325F = Gas Mark 3

  • 180C = 350F = Gas Mark 4

  • 190C = 375F = Gas Mark 5

  • 200C = 400F = Gas Mark 6

  • 210C = 425F = Gas Mark 7

  • 220C = 450F = Gas Mark 8

  • 240C = 475F = Gas Mark 9

  • Stabilizer legs – Try and aim to point your stabilizer legs towards the back of the van when travelling that way in the event that you haven’t locked them in place properly they are more likely to bounce off the road than dig into the road and catapult the van 🙂

  • Power cord rubber band – Put a rubber band around your 15 amp power lead. Reason being is when it gets windy the flap that usually covers the power point when not plugged in starts bouncing on the power cord and bangs all night long. Putting a rubber band around the power cord allows you to stretch it over the flap to stop it knocking in the wind.

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