Grawin “ Club In The Scrub “ is a golf club/pub in outback New South Wales opal fields. We had a drive here as well as the other two pub camps in the area. They are the Glengarry Hilton Hotel & Sheepyard Inn.
This trifecta of pub camps are a must if you’re in the Lightning Ridge area. Have a look at staying at Lightning Ridge Caravan Park or Opal Caravan Park. Both of which we have stayed at.

Driving Through The Opal Fields
I’ll probably say this about all the three pubs, but, they are beautifully rugged, rustic and eclectic. Much like the surrounding areas.
Driving to the Club In The Scrub we passed opal mining camps and homes. Many miners have put these together from what ever they could salvage in the area. Some both creative and inventive.

Club In The Scrub Pub Camping
Driving up to the Club In The Scrub we noticed an area for camping. Plenty of places to park, some with shade amongst the trees if needed.

It’s a simple camp but that’s not what you come here for. You come here for the funky pub, the local warm welcome and of course the Golf Course. After all it is The Club In The Scrub.
If you’re bringing your dog with you to the pub, they have an enclosed area they can play in.

Club In The Scrub Pub
As soon as we walked in the staff greeted us. I actually think this is because they were expecting guests for a birthday party but hey, it was nice 😀
After having a brief look around we had a seat outside where we could see a colourful playground and signs around the place.

As with so many great outback pubs they have unique signs around the place. From the male and female toilets to the smokers corner which has a funky sign. Even the disabled parking spot has a unique sign.

Ordering a couple of soft drinks (we were heading to 3 pubs that day) we noticed a couple of ladies we had passed on the road. They to were driving to all three pubs. We would see them later as we all ordered lunch at the Hilton Hotel.
Photo: 360 Degree photo – Outside Club In The Scrub. Scroll around the photo to see the full view
Inside The Pub
Lets start with the pool table, WOW! This new beaut pool table is stunning and must weigh a tonne. As you might have picked up by now, we do like a game of pool. This time we didn’t get to have a go as others were on it, next time 😉

One of the rooms is a library. I love the idea of some of the opal miners heading to the pub for a beer and a book.

The Pub In The Scrub also does food. Something we will have to try next time. They have a large dining area if you and a few mates are heading there for a feed.
Photo: 360 degree Inside The Club In The Scrub Pub. Have a scroll to see the full view

You can see heaps of old photos and memories on the walls. You could also buy some Club In The Scrub merchandise if you want to take some memories home with you.
The Club In The Scrub – Golf
To be honest we only came for the pub. In saying that, once we left I was wondering what it would be like to have a game here. I had played golf at Karumba Golf Course in far north Qld. That was a laugh trying to play on a dirt course. I imagine this one would be similar.

I think this course would be more colourful and eclectic if the entry is anything to go by. What a great thing to have for the opal miners and family’s that live in this area.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again…. We love these rustic outback pubs. They are the life blood of our small towns and communities. Head here for a drink, for a good feed or for a night but pay a visit and enjoy what these classic pubs have to offer.
More Information
- Location : Cumborah
- Click for Google map location
- State: NSW
- Pets: Yes
- Camp type : Pub
- Price : $ Free
- Water ? : No
- Power ? : No
- Will suit: All sized vehicles
- Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
- Drive time to nearby shops: 45 minutes to Lightning Ridge
- WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
- Amenities : Showers, toilets
- Other : Golf, pub, food, playground, Bins, apparently gas and fuel are available
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2 thoughts on “Club In The Scrub – Cumborah – NSW”
Sue ! Larry !
Thanks heaps guys, as you have encouraged this aged bloke to pull his finger out and head for that never ending horizon.
Yes, we are about to leave end of this month and somehow, somewhere cross your tracks and maybe eat your dust.
May I ..sorry Larry, give your bride a huge hug with all the encouraged input on your regular sites.
Luv ya both, cheers & happy days.
Mateeeeee… Bushy, that’s fantastic.
If I played even a small part in you guy’s hitting the road then I’m ecstatic.
I’m so chuffed for you!
Hugs all around 😀
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