Wondai Free Camp – Wondai – QLD

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Wondai Free Camp is near where they hold the Wondai markets. It’s a place I had wanted to visit for a few weeks. We had been staying at the Kingaroy showgrounds, as well as on a private property, in the surrounding area for a couple of months and thought this might be a nice day out. We had already checked out some of the local markets. The one at Kingaroy Showground was small but local, whereas Nanango market (around 20 minuets away) was absolutely enormous. There is also one next to the 48hr Free Camp In Wooroolin we visited. They are all roughly in driving distance from each other on different weekends.

Wondai Free Camp

As Wondai is only around 32km from Kingaroy, we went to have a look around the market, and a bonus is we checked out the Wondai free camp and shops while we were there.

As mentioned, this free camp reminded me of the nearby Wooroolin Free Camp, around 13km south. They are both 48hr free camps, have a market, near shops, have toilets and shower and they are both long grassy area that will fit any size rig. The Wondai Free Camp however is in a big, little town (if that makes sense?)

Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Large Grass Area To Camp On
Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Room For Any Size Rig

Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Wondai Free Camp Is Popular
Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Camper Trailers As Well As Big Rigs Camp Here

Wondai Free Camp Amenities

As well as having 24hr toilets, I believe there are also showers, This block is located in the centre of the camp. There is also has a dump point at one end of the area should you need it.

Dump point at Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Dump Point At Wondai Free Camp
Toilets at Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Toilets

Also at one end of the camp is the Art Gallery where the Wooroolin CWA sell coffee, tea, cakes, slices and Devonshire tea. It also looks like there may have been a book exchange here also?

Art Gallery by Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Art Gallery By Wondai Free Camp

Coronation Park

Walk past the Gallery to Coronation park. Here you’ll find electric BBQ’s that you can use and then enjoy relaxing in one of the undercover picnic areas. Bins are also handy here. There is also a play area for the kids and more toilets are located in this park.

Coronation Park picnic area electric BBQs and market near Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Coronation Park – Picnic Areas, Electric BB’s & Market
Tent World
Play area at Coronation Park, near Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Play Area At Coronation Park
Old Machinery and stage at Coronation park by Wondai free camp and market Qld
Photo: Old Tractor, Musicians On Stage & More Toilets At Coronation Park

Wondai Shops

Opposite Coronation park are a nice row of shops, the Hotel Cecil is also here. A news agent, IGA, pharmacy, bottle shop, laundry and post office are just a few handy near by places.

Wondai Coronation park markets pub and shops
Photo: The Market At Coronation Park – Opposite The Shops & Pub

One shop I would like to go back and visit (as we didn’t go in this time) is Soul Moon Energies. They do coffee and cake, clothing from size 6 to 22 as well as books, crystals, cards atc.

 Soul Moon Energies Wondai Queensland
Photo: Soul Moon Energies Looks Like A Nice Place To Relax

A short walk from the camp is also a butcher, bakery, diner, swimming pool, vinnies, fish and chips shop, visitors info centre and RSL, to name but a few.

Wondai Market

Wondai market is located at Coronation Park on the 4th Saturday of the month. I noticed a fabulous clothes stall called Weeping Willow Boutique that is at other markets in the area. Local fruit and veg can be purchased. We bought a couple of custard apples which were yummy! honey, plants as well as arts, crafts and jewellery stalls are here. A couple of musicians were also playing under the pavilion.

Weeping willow boutique at Wondai market near Wondai free camp
Photo: Weeping Willow Boutique Is At A Few Markets & Worth A Visit
Wondai market near Wondai free camp
Photo: Fruit & Veg Stall

Wondai is yet another small country town that supports us travellers. Stay a while at Wondai Free Camp or take a look around as you pass through. It’s well worth a look!

More Information

  • Location : Wondai
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: QLD
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : 48hr Free Camp Rest Area
  • Price : $ Free
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 1 minute walk
  • WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
  • Amenities : Showers, toilets, dump point – A Laundry is opposite Coronation Park
  • Other : a minute walk to the art gallery, Coronation park with it’s BBQ’s, undercover picnic areas, play area, more toilets. Shops, pub, cafe, info centre, post office, IGA, pharmacy, news agents and lots more

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