Sheepyard Inn – Cumborah – NSW

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The Sheepyard Inn was our third and final pub in the scrub visit. You’ll find this quirky pub and camp around an hours drive from Lightning Ridge.

We payed a visit after previously stopping for a drink at the Club In The Scrub & grabbing lunch at the Glengarry Hilton Hotel.

Unfortunately, we arrived in early March and the Sheepyard Inn was closed. Opening back up not long after our visit. They do close in January & February due to the extreme heat.

Please note: Yes, they do have camping but we didn’t stay at the time.

Sheepyard Inn

Located in what seems like the heart of the Opal fields, the outside of this pub genuinely amazed me. Arriving, we noticed the pub was closed. However, there was so much to see outside it and around it.

As well as the classic corrugated part of the pub they have a funky pink train carriage. Outside the carriage you’ll see an antique cooker, washing machine and fridges. These might bringing back memories for some and wonderment to others.

Tent World

Alternatively, outside the corrugated pub are old pianos, quirky signs and a book shelf, full of books. In spite of the dust and leaves around the place because of it being closed, you can tell this place is loved.

Photo: 360 degree photo of the Sheepyard Inn. Scroll around photo to see full view

Around The Sheepyard Inn

Beyond the pubs fence are some of the best comedic and offbeat bits and bobs. Firstly, the tree with it’s trunk covered in old mobile phones. Which leads me to ask, why don’t birds make phone calls? Because they might accidentally wing the wrong number 😂


Similar, a couple of other trees have classic Aussie humour. For instance, the “ Cars With Breaks Give Way” sign and the classic “Warning Drop Bears” sign.

Over from the Sheepyard Inn are the corrugated toilets, named Ewes & Rams. These are open for campers to use. Nearby I noticed “The Wool Wash”. Now I’m not sure if this is the showers or not, but it would be hilarious if it was. They do have showers for campers so I believe.


Adjacent to the loos you’ll find a heap of over the sholder boulder holders. Yes, another bizarre tree, this time full of bras. I have no idea why they leave behind perfectly good bras, I just wish some of them fit me haha. I would have loved the spikes one in my Madonna days 😀

Jaw-Dropping Junkyard

I still can’t get over how much I absolutely adore the old, broken, battered, classic, cars and memorabilia around the place. Lets start with the double decker bus. Having grown up with them throughout my childhood, I now see them and picture renovating one to live in. Not something we will be doing but still, can you imagine!

In contrast, I see these beautiful cars and would happily have one sitting, as is, on a property. We’ve seen so many cars like this on our travels around Australia. Some lost and rusting away in the middle of huge outback stations. Others taking pride and place in someones garden. All with character and a story to tell.

On a side note.. I loved these cars so much I have this photo as my screen saver and if we lived in a house I’d have it on my wall. Consequently, we have this image on our website as a file if you would like to Purchase it.

Photo: 360 degree photo of the cars around the Sheepyard Inn. Scroll around photo to see full view

More Marvellousness

Other notable items include a car that looks like it’s from the movie Mad Max. This mad machine is parked outside the rundown, rustic fuel station. Now closed, you can still see the old classic bowsers. Let’s not forget the kids here. They will love the teddy bear bus stop with another cool truck. Ok, maybe that’s just me again.

Roads Through The Opal Fields

Traveling with just our ute from our camp at Opal Caravan Park in Lightning Ridge, we had no trouble with the roads. Graded roads took us to both the previous pub camps at Club In The Scrub & the Glengarry Hilton Hotel. Yes it’s dusty, yes you can take your caravan, just drive slowly if it’s a bit to corrugated.

Photo: : 360 degree photo of the road to the Sheepyard Inn. Scroll around photo to see full view

Driving from the Glengarry Hilton to the Sheepyard Inn was less graded on our visit. Of course this could be as it was closed so no need to keep up the road. Please call them and check on road condition if you’re worried about your vehicle.

Between pubs are numerous miners houses. Some made of what ever materials they have on hand, all interesting in their own way. One place named “Blue Sky Mine” another “ The Pub With No Beer” the miners have a sense of humour that seems to run through these opal fields.

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In contrast you’ll pass the Sheepyards Community War Memorial. Looking on The Sheepyard Inn Facebook page, this has many people flocking to it on Anzac day to pay there respect. Afterwards, they heading to the pub for a drink and a game of two up.

I would 100% recommend visiting, stop for a drink or lunch and even staying at all three pubs. Although the Sheepyard Inn was the only one not open on our visit it certainly had the most to look at. We’ll be heading back for sure!

More Information

  • Location : Cumborah
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: NSW
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Pub
  • Price : Free
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: Most sized vehicles – Please check road conditions if concerned.
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 70km to Lightning Ridge
  • WIFI (tested with boost): on and off
  • Amenities : Showers, toilets
  • Other : Pub, food, drink, gas, so much memorabilia and interesting things to see
Bargain Avenue

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1 thought on “Sheepyard Inn – Cumborah – NSW

  1. Absolutely Fabulous Guys

    Thanks Again

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