FREE CAMP * – Ettamogah Pub – Albury – NSW

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Ettamogah Pub

The iconic Ettamogah pub is on a quiet road off the main highway. We parked up outside in a the huge car-park and wandered in to ask about parking for the night.

Cafe and shops

We were shown a large oval grass area at the back of the car park and pub. No one mentioned the cost of camping, although on WikiCamps it says buy a stubby cooler or meal for $10. At the coffee shop you can also buy lots of gifts at different prices.

After finding a nice spot on the oval to park we headed to the coffee shop next door to the pub for lunch, as it is part of the same place. We had toasted sandwich, chips and gravy and a can of drink, the chips and gravy fed two of us. The café opens at 8am so if like me you love your morning coffee you have a place close by 🙂

Back at the van we stayed connected to the ute as we were only staying one night. I grabbed our camera and walked around to take some photos. The pub and the small building behind it are cartoon like. We had a beer $10 for two, and had a sit inside checking out the leg’s hanging from the roof. They have unique dunny doors and other odd but fun little things they had around the place.

 Eating out at the pub and happy hour

Back at the van we had new neighbours pull up, Ingrid and Wendy. They came over to say hello and we all ended up having a drink together. It was so good to meet people who have been on the road for quite a few years. I think I could have listened to them all night. They gave us some fantastic information that I’m sure we will be using along the way.

We all had a seat outside for dinner, near a very large cage with 4 cockatoos. The girls had also had a look around and told us about the showers that were also available to us. They were by the outside male toilets, bonus!

In the morning we said goodbye to Wendy and Ingrid and took in the last of the beautiful views before we headed off to our next farm sit. We would love to have stayed longer and we would most definitely stay again!


* buy a beer or a meal and stay behind the Ettamogah pub for free

See our short video of the camp site and the pub here on youtube

  • Toilets
  • showers
  • bins
  • Dogs ok

* buy a beer or a meal and stay behind the Ettamogah pub for free

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