O’Connell River Caravan Park – Bloomsbury – Queensland

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O’Connell River is 45km south of Airlie Beach and 100km north of Mackay

We headed here for a night to see a couple of mates. One had his parents staying in their bus for a few days. A great night was had with card tricks, drinking and them making us a lovely dinner.

We heard and read mixed reviews on this park and I will probably do the same.

O’Connell River Caravan Park

The park is on the O’Connell River, hence the name. From the road it looks quite nice and very green.

Driving in, it is nice and lush the rest of the park is also lovely and green. This is probably my favourite part about the park.

The reception looks a bit shabby but the guy at the desk was nice and friendly. He grabbed his buggy and was happy to show us to our site.

We asked for a drive through site and coincidentlly got put next to the people we were visiting. The site was actually a couple of sites but as they were not busy we were ok.

There is an abundance of bird life here especially by the river.

The River

I headed down to the O’Connell River for a look around.

Apparently you can fish here, I think the reception sells bait and other fishing basic gear.

They have a sign warning against Croc’s so no swimming I’m afraid.

O'Connell River Caravan Park

I was surprised to see the camp kitchen/BBQ here.

It’s not the best looking camp kitchen but what a lovely place to to have it. The river is on one side and green space on the other.

As I was walking back to our site I heard some shouting from one of the permanent residents. I was a bit worried it was going to be a noisy stay but he stopped quickly.

This park has quite a few permanents by the looks of it and that’s sometimes not a good look or feel.

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The toilet block is old but colourful and the laundry is basic but at least they have one.

I found the dump point interesting but again at least they have one!

One of our friends took a dip in the pool. A bit cool this time of the year for me I think. In this same area you can get your gas bottle refilled if needed. Our mates folks paid $30 to fill their 9kg bottle.

Would we stay again? Probably not. It’s not a bad park, in-fact as I said I love the greenery and the river. But, as there are so many other parks around, this would not be my first choice.

On saying that it might be worth checking out yourself and it’s a good price.

Video and more information below

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2 thoughts on “O’Connell River Caravan Park – Bloomsbury – Queensland

  1. Thisildome……..Looks peaceful enough, Green is Good…
    Was going to say I’ll get there one of these years, but heck, them years are moving far to quick for this old bloke.
    Gosh, reckon I have spent more time viewing your Blog reports then my caravanning.
    But in saying that I must admit I have enjoyed every word and photo’s , so thank you very very much.
    Now to gather my inspirations and do something positive.
    Cheers for now,
    Dennis & Trinh

    1. Cheers Dennis,
      I totally agree, the years do move fast. Time to get on the road more and enjoy 😉
      Thanks for your comment and I hope you and Trinh get inspired to hit the road more.
      Happy travels 😀

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