The Australian Bight – Free Camp – South Australia

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“Border Village 13km East” – 

Australian Bight Camp site –

The Eyre Highway has many free camps along its 1600km. We first of all stopped at a couple of camps heading west but they didn’t feel right. Wind, flies and used toilet paper do not make you feel at home. Although we could have put up with all three if we had to, we decided a better view was ahead. On the road again, with the Southern and Indian Ocean to our left, we hit the Highway in search of a better spot.

We also stopped at a couple of lookouts over the Great Australian Bight and knew we had done the right thing. Scenic Lookout 3 (SA side) is the first one you come across heading west. It has got to be the best lookout! If you have seen photos of the Great Australian Bight, then you would have seen this. Real life is just as jaw dropping.

The Great Australian Bight
The Great Australian Bight – Lookout 3

I would have loved to get the drone out and send it up but the wind was way to strong.

We passed lookout 2 and headed for the Scenic Lookout 1 (WA side), which had a camp by it. 

Jackpot! .. Ding, Ding, Ding! … Finally as soon as we drove in you could see the ocean down from the hill. What a view and what a large area.

Lookout 1, is by “Border Village 13km East” (this is the name on WikiCamps) it looks over the Australian Bight. Which would you believe it’s 13km east of the WA border πŸ˜‰

Great Australian Bight

The Camp

We had a stroll around to find were we wanted to park. Since it’s a huge area, we had many choices and we chose a spot with a million dollar view. Right over the ocean. With breeze blowing and sun shining, we decided that this was definitely a place to stop for a couple of nights.

Table, chairs, drinks and nibbles time. Most of all, time to take in the view and remember how good life is πŸ˜€

Great Australian Bight

There are lots dirt tracks to drive all size vehicle, you just have to pick your spot. Lots of low-lying green vegetation sprawls out between the tracks making it look quite lush.

As you can imagine sitting over the water, with nothing between you and the Antarctic it gets a little windy. This was keeping most of the flies at bay but at times was keeping us inside. With a great view from our window this didn’t put us off. We decided to stay for three nights πŸ˜€

The first nights sleeping in such a windy place, was like being in a slightly rocky boat the next was like a ship on the ocean πŸ™ As Larry sleeps through most things he hardly noticed! Thankfully the third night not a peep of wind. Or had I got used to it?

We were closer to the water than most. Maybe further back would not have been too bad. Also a different time of the year maybe less windy.

We didn’t unhook here just took in the views from our porch πŸ˜‰ and from our room with a view πŸ™‚

Great Australian Bight
Great Australian Bight – View from our van

The View

There is a lookout in basically the same area as this camp. Other vans and cars came and went. It surprised us every time, when a van just drove by. It is such a beautiful spot, wind and all.

In fact we both mentioned it’s the best free camp yet πŸ˜€

This is a must! And as a result is already on our list for next time πŸ˜‰

  • Location : Eyre Highway
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: South Australia
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Free camp
  • Price : $0
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit – Most sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops:    – 10 minutes to Road house at Western Australia Border.
  • WIFI (tested with boost): yes
  • Amenities : No
  • Other : Great Views
(Visited 14,854 times, 3 visits today)

10 thoughts on “The Australian Bight – Free Camp – South Australia

  1. Hi Sue
    Great info, we’re heading across in the next few weeks & will be looking at these sites for our overnight stops
    Just one thing……. You say
    “On the road again, with the Indian Ocean to our left, we hit the Highway in search of a better spot.”
    The Ocean to the south of the Eyre Hwy is in fact the Southern Ocean.
    Cheers & safe travels


    1. Cheers Paul,
      I had a good look at the oceans when I wrote this and there is some controversy over it. The International Hydrographic Organization’s states that it is at Southern limit of the Great Australian Bight. So I guess you are looking over both. I have changed the post to state both πŸ˜€
      Enjoy the Nullarbor and take your time it’s a special place
      Happy Travels Paul

  2. Great infos guys you do such an amazing job!
    So I’m assuming this amazing spot is in the national park and dogs aren’t allowed is it right?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Fran,
      On the bottom of all our posts I write if pets are ok.
      I have put yes on this post as WikiCamps says yes. Others say yes but to have them on a lead.
      I hope this helps Fran, this is a great camp.
      Enjoy and happy travels πŸ˜€

  3. We drive a jeep & tow 24ft stirling. My question is we haven’t done any free camping yet & this trip across the nullabour is just what we want to do but how do you know that its ok to take your car & van down this dirt road. I worry that we would get stuck

    1. Hi Lyn,
      Good question, I still wonder the same thing on some camps. We free camp most of the time and have 21ft Starcraft.

      We find most of our camps on WikiCamps, although it isn’t always 100% accurate, it shows if it’s 4X4 etc. We look for sites that are not 4X4, show the caravan symbol and check out the comments and photos. This normally gives us a good idea if it’s suitable for our set up.

      If we are still not sure we get out and have a walk to check it out. We did this with this camp. As it has a lot of low lying vegetation you cant see the pathways. Once you walk around you will see so many places you can drive and turn around. I’m glad we had a walk as we then chose a spot close to the amazing view.

      If you are not sure and cant walk around to check out the place, don’t do it! I would rather be safe then sorry πŸ™‚
      Enjoy your free camping, I highly recommend it!
      Happy free camping Lyn

  4. I’d like the record to show i don’t usually wear my cap backwards πŸ™‚ …. wearing it normally and it kept blowing off my head with the wind.

  5. ????????????????????????

    1. Will be heading there to whale watch, went about 25 years ago but was on a tour, have never got that view and the whales out of my mind

      1. Hi Jeanette,
        That sounds fantastic. I hope you have a whale of a time πŸ˜‰

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