Amamoor State Forest – Qld

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Amamoor State Forest Has two Camps

These forest camps are Cedar Grove Camp & Amamoor Creek Camp. We visited the Cedar Grove Camp which is around 30 minutes south of Gympie. It’s a lovely place for a drive and a stroll even though we didn’t stay.

Cedar Grove Camp

The unsealed road takes you to a huge grassed area which will fit many vans and tents. Large ring fire-pits are scattered around the camp so bring some fire wood with you.

Flushing toilets are also here if you’re not self contained, also great for those in tents etc.

Have a meander down the easy walking track. This takes you through the forest to the babbling stream. After the rain this might be a nice place to have a swim and cool down.

Booking is through Queensland Parks & Forests. Once you book you will get a tag to print out and put on your tent/van. This has your booking number. If you can’t print it out you can write the number on paper and display it so it can be seen by the park rangers.

Near Amamoor State Forest

The Mary Valley RattlerThe C17 Steam Train leaves Gympie and arrives in the small town of Amamoor at 11am on a Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. If you’re into trains or history you might like to check it out.

Bargain Avenue

Amamoor Creek Camp

Amamoor Creek Camp is the other forest camp and is around 4Km away. Both are close to the Gympie Muster. Although this is the nearest and is dog friendly, where as the one we visited is not.

More Information

  • Location : Amamoor
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: QLD
  • Pets:  Dogs not permitted here. They are permitted at Amamoor Creek Camp however.
  • Camp type : State Forest
  • Price : Around $7-$8 pn pp. Please head to Queensland National Parks for info & details.
  • Water ? : Non potable water
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: Most sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 15 minutes to Amamoor
  • WIFI (tested with boost): No
  • Amenities : Toilets
  • Other : Stream and swimming hole when flowing, shade or open areas if wanting to use solar, walking tracks, take your rubbish with you

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