Our Top 15 Apps For Travellers

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Here are Larry and my, most used travel apps on our android phones. We have also included shortcut icons we have on our phones for websites we use. These are ones that come in handy for us as full time travellers, with the lifestyle we have.

As usual, everyone is different, so you might have others that are more relevant to you and your family. Here is our top 15 apps in no particular order.

WikiCamps – Cost: $8.00

Our most used app, hands down, is WikiCamps. And for only $8 it’s worth every cent. Therefore happy to add it to our 15 Apps For Travellers list

Almost all of the camps we have stayed at, we have found on WikiCamps. For those not familiar with this app here is a brief rundown

  • You will find all camps in every state and territory, from free camps, caravan parks, pubs, farms and more.
  • If you’re looking for a dump point you will find your nearest one here
  • Finding water to fill your tanks when not at a caravan park is easy on this app
  • Dog friendly places, points of interest and laundry’s are also listed
  • You can track your journey and see how long it will take you to get to your next destination
  • Details of the places you are going are available as are reviews, fees and photos from other travellers
  • Offline content is available if your in woop woop

Fuel Map App – Cost: Free

This free app shows you all the servos around Australia and the latest fuel prices. This is helpful when your heading to a town with a few petrol stations and you want to find the cheapest. Also it’s good to see when you can next top up.

Spotify App – Music & Podcasts – Cost: Free

You can listen to any genre of music you like whether it’s to relax or keep you motivated. Play a podcast or comedy while your driving to keep everyone entertained. Spotify is free, if you don’t want to pay the $11.99 per month premium version.

Lets Do Something App – Cost: Free

This free app is going to take off big time. Wherever you’re travelling, what ever you’re in to, Lets Do Something has you covered. Wondering what there is to do in a place you are heading ? You may have already looked on WikiCamps for points of interest and nothing appeals to you. Lets Do Something is adding to its list every day. They list everything from:
👉 Waterfalls 👉 Camel races 👉 Farms 👉 Lookouts 👉 Festivals 👉 Wine tasting 👉 Sailing 👉 Kids stuff 👉 Live music 👉 Markets 👉 Art and culture 👉 Health and fitness and so much more!

For more on Lets Do Something, head to their website – www.letsdosomething.com.au/

Emergency+ app – Cost: Free

This emergency app can help you to get in touch with police, SES, the poisons Information line and more. The app knows your location to give to the emergency service you need. Handy if you’re on the road full time like us and might not quite know your location.

Streaming Apps – Cost: $6.99 pm Prime – $10.99pm Netflix

Some people wonder why you would have these as you go camping/caravanning to be outside. This is true but we live on the road full time. And Like many people who live in bricks and mortar Homes, we like to watch movies and documentaries. Prime is only new to us and is looking better and cheaper then Netflix so we might get rid of that one. Its another app that makes it into our 15 Apps For Travellers

Australia Post App – Cost: Free

Living on the road, we get parcels delivered to different locations. If we know ahead of time what town we’ll be in , we will send parcels “care of” a post office in that town. Tracking your parcels and get the estimated delivery date is also easy.

Fires Near Me Australia App – Cost: Free

This is an official app for bush fire information. Travelling through NSW last year we found this app super helpful. We could keep up to date with road closures due to fires and see how close they were to us.

Traffic App – Cost: Free

We have the QLDTraffic app. You will probably find them in other states & territories.

This is the official source of live traffic and travel information from the Qld government. You will see road closures and restrictions, roadworks and be informed about crashes and hazards.

EasyPark Mobile Parking App – Cost: Free

Tasmania was the first place we found out about this app. With this you don’t have to carry change around for the parking meter or return to your car to put in extra money so it doesn’t run out.

You simply open the app which will determine which meter you’re at. You then dial in how long you think you will be there for. If you are longer or shorter then you thought you would be you just adjust the time on your app. You’ll also get reminders when it’s about to expiry. No need to go back to the meter or run out of time. I think they should have this in more towns around Australia.

QLD Rego Check App – Cost: Free

This app is good to manually check when our caravan and ute rego is due and it also sends a reminder email when it’s due.

You will probably find this in each state and territory. We had a bad experience last year when we were pulled over by the police. We didn’t realise our Rego was out of date and it had come up on the police cars computer as they passed us. As we have no fixed address we didn’t get a reminder. Also, the email reminder Larry normally gets didn’t happen.

These next few I have added to my phone as short cut Icons. Much like an app on your phone, you press the icon which takes you to the website.

Google Maps – Shortcut – Cost: Free

Another shortcut on our list of 15 Apps For Travellers is google Maps. I added this short cut to my phone but you can download the app. Apparently the app has lots of adds so adding a shortcut makes more sense.

It has been great for obvious reasons but also for seeing what is available locally. Below the map you have a “explore nearby” section. Search near by for things to do, shopping, services etc. You can also look at photos of these things or add your own.

Country Pub Camping – Shortcut – Cost: Free

Do you want to mix camping with a good bush pub, counter meal, cheap camp or a good yarn with other campers at happy hour?

Country Pub Camping’s website and Facebook page shows you all the pubs around Australia that have camping on site or less then 1km away (no Uber needed) They also include camping at free camps, showgrounds and more. As long as it’s not a caravan park and it’s less then a kilomiter away.

Gas Bottle Refills – Shortcut Icon – Cost: Free

Looking to refill your gas bottle when on the road? Then this is a fantastic website (and Facebook page) Simply enter a town and it will show you the gas bottle exchange or refill in that area. You can then see the location, on the map, address & price.

Aussie House Sitters – Shortcut Icon: $84.00 for 12 months

We love to do house and farm sitting as we travel. Staying in one place for a length of time means you get to see much more of that area for free. So we’ve added this to our 15 Apps For Travellers list as well

Usually you can hook up to water and power or stay in the persons home if that’s what’s required. This is not usually paid but you are basically camping for free.

We have found the animals we care for leave a lasting impression as do the owners. We have been lucky enough to have been asked back to all our house/farm sits.

If your interested in house or farm sitting you can follow this affiliate link and check out More on Aussie House Sitters here. The lovely people over at Aussie House Sitters have been good enough to give our members a discount. Use our Coupon Code “AHS15%off”. This will give you 15% off your regular membership.

💥 A Bonus Shortcut Icon 💥 –

We use Boost Mobile while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network At the end of each of our travel posts, we comment about Boost’s coverage at each camp. You’ll find we have Boost phone and internet coverage at the majority of places. Boost is flexible and no need to lock in a contract

This was our 15 Apps For Travellers (plus the late arrival of our bonus Icon) There is bound to be some more good ones. Have we missed any other good apps ? Let us know below.

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