Brewarrina Caravan Park – Brewarrina – NSW

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Brewarrina Caravan Park is just over 100km east of Bourke. If you’re travelling east from Bourke you might want to stop off at Brewarrina. As well as the Brewarrina caravan park they have a great Free Camp by the river at 4 Mile Reserve.

On a side note: If you are stopping in Bourke, check out the free camps. May’s Bend looking over the river or North Bourke River Camp. Alternatively, Kidmans Camp Caravan Park.

Brewarrina Caravan Park

We arrived at this small friendly caravan park after staying at Opal Caravan Park in Lightning Ridge. Calling before we turned up to see if they had a space for us. I had read that the sites were small.


Pulling into the park we were met by the caretaker who showed us to our site. We had a brief chat before he carried on and we set up.

Sites are set around a central grassed area which is watered daily and kept nice. Another large grassed area is in one of the corners, this would be great for tents and has a picnic bench. A couple more of those picnic benches are by the central grassed area.

Tent World

Photo: 360 Photo of Brewarrina Caravan Park – scroll to see full photo

Park Amenities

Brewarrina Caravan Park has a toilet and shower block which is at the same location as the laundry.

The camp kitchen has a gas BBQ as well as all the basics should you need them. A fridge, microwave, kettle and gas burner, not forgetting the a sink.

Bargain Avenue

Brewarrina Caravan Park is a small quiet park, with a few friendly workers staying. There is a huge swimming pool next door and you are only 2 minutes from the shops.

A Short Drive

As well as being a 2 minute drive from the shops, you will find the Fish Traps. Brewarrina has 40,000-year-old, Aboriginal Fish Traps that are heritage-listed.

Wireless one

The fish traps are a network of rock weirs in the water, stretching for around half a kilometre along the riverbed. Built by ancient tribes, to catch fish as they swam upstream. These fish traps are interesting to see and are a short drive away from the camp. You can also do a tour and have a Dreamtime story told by Aboriginal elders.

More Information

  • Location : Brewarrina
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: NSW
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Caravan Park
  • Price : $ 32pn
  • Water ? : Yes
  • Power ? : Yes
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 2 minutes
  • WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
  • Amenities : Showers, toilets, laundry
  • Other : Swimming pool next door, camp kitchen

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