Over the last month our caravan outside & grey water tank have been cleaned. Not only was the fibreglass looking dirty but oxidisation was apparent. As for the grey water tank, it wasn’t emptying although the valve was open.
Caravan Outside Cleaning
It was time to give the outside of our home on the road some TLC. Larry decided to buy a rotating buffer/polisher machine. He wanted to use it with the cut and polish we already had (3M Marine Cleaner & Wax) to bring back the gloss finish on the fibreglass. Larry bought the rotating buffer from Ebay for around $30, well worth it!

The worst parts of the van were the front (as that’s where all the road dirt and bugs land) and where the air-conditioners water seems to flow down the side of the van. Oh yes, and where rain runs the dirt off the roof.
As usual, we gave the van a clean first with a cloth tied to a broom, dipped in some soap and water. Drying it off the same way with a towel tied to it. This took off the main dirt. However, we noticed the oxidisation on the fibreglass stood out. Especially on the bottom grey part. Larry tested the new buffer on a grey patch and you could see instantly the difference it made.

It was the first time for Larry using the machine on the caravan so he tried different pads to see which was best. He used our telescopic ladder to reach the higher parts. On a side note our telescopic ladder is around 3 meters tall and our van is just over. Larry uses it to clean our solar panels as well as other bits and pieces.

The result of the caravan outside after using the 3M Marine Cleaner & Wax with the machine was much better. Unfortunately, we ran out after doing one side and the back. Larry got another kind but that one wasn’t as good. It didn’t cut in to the oxidisation as much as the other one. Also it was easier to wipe off with a cloth than to use the polisher. That was a Septone brand which we won’t be buying again.

We ended up doing most of the caravan outside, especially the lower grey part, as that stood out the most. Looking closely you can see where it’s shiny and where it’s not. But it can stay like that until we get a better cut and polish again.
Grey Water Tank Cleaning
This is a little embarrassing but it might help others so I’ll put it our there. Recently, our grey water tank monitor was showing up full yet we had the tank valve open. I had put the usual bicarb and vinegar down the sink but this time it didn’t help.

Here’s What We Did
- Larry ended up cutting off the PVC outlet pipe connected to the grey water tank before some of the water came out.
- He then got a tool to fish out some of the yucky hair he could see blocking the opening. This helped but didn’t totally fix it.
- The water was still coming out very slowly even though we had the water running inside the van.
- Finally, Larry put a hose in the grey water tank opening to try and flush out what ever else was in it.
- In the end he fished out what looked like a large drowned mouse. It was actually 7 years build up of my hair. I know it’s gross.

To help stop it happening again, I ordered a shower/sink strainer thingy to stop my long hair malting into the grey water tank. Hopefully that will help! I just googled and got mine online but you can get disposable ones from Bunnings.
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9 thoughts on “Caravan Outside & Grey Water Tank Clean”
good to see looking after van, let me know where you are and run ours over to you. Good work Larry and good hint on grey tank.
Take care
Kev And Tracey Howe
one good thing is you don’t have to be embarrassed as we are all going through the same things but thank god we have you to remind us of our “house keeping”. Not to mention a solution, thanks for the update and happy travelling.
Thanks for the reassurance Rod and Vicki, much appreciated.
Happy travels to you also 😀
I’m ordering a sink strainer as soon as I’ve finished here 😄 thanks for the useful information
LOL…. I wish I’d thought of getting one sooner 😀
Just be careful getting up ladders at your ——- our age. Great blog . Cheers kev
hahaha …. Cheers Kev
Love your posts.Keep them coming.
Safe travels.
Thanks Gary
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