Coffs Harbour – NSW – Day Trip

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Coffs Harbour NSW

Forest Sky Pier – 

Yesterday we headed back up to Coffs Harbour. We had decided to go to the “Forest Sky Pier”. The blue sky’s turned to grey before the heavens opened up by the time we arrived.
Oh well a bit of rain is not going to put us off. Unfortunately though the beautiful view I’m sure there was, was no longer. The low fog/clouds was pretty cool it made for an atmospheric drive.
coffs harbour
Coffs Harbour

Still raining, we then headed to the beach at the surf club. It was wet (very wet) and windy. The water was choppy but we still had to go to the beach though right?. The sand was lovely! this beach would be perfect for anyone if the weather was a little better. We took a couple of photos and headed back to the car.

Clog Barn Coffs Harbour

We headed to the “Clog Barn”. They have free Clog making demonstrations 3x a day and free entry to a miniature Dutch village. I have to say my favourite part was the seeing lizard’s on the roof’s of the buildings. They looked like Godzilla on those miniature buildings.

Clogg Barn Coffs
Clogg Barn Coffs
Clogg Barn Coffs
Clogs Coffs Harbour
We went next door to the cafe and had a late lunch before we tackled the traffic home. Thankfully we have a few live comedy shows on our car entertainment unit. Sitting in traffic can still be entertaining 🙂

When you’re having coffee next door to the Clogg barn check out the lizards running around outside.

We liked Coffs Harbour and is likely to be on our visit list again during the next lap

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