
Flaggy Rock Cafe – $10pn -Queensland

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Flaggy Rock has a few cheap camp grounds this one is on the highway. We headed here to check it out and have some lunch.

The Camp

The cafe has a gravel area that a few vans can park on. It’s close to the cafe for food and drinks if you want any. There is a nice area by the water with some seating you can sit at with your own food.

You might like to check it out yourself as everyone has different opinions. We preferred to spend an extra $5 around the corner at the large, green, friendly Recreation Grounds. It has toilets, shower, pool and playground (See that post here)

More Information:

  • Location : Flaggy Rock Cafe
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: Queensland
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Cafe paid site
  • Price : $10pn
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: most vehicles (self contained only)
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: Food on site or 5 minutes to servo
  • WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
  • Amenities : Toilet when open
  • Other : Food and drink at cafe when open
  • WIFI & Phone Reception – Tested with Boost Mobile: Yes

We use Boost Mobile as we travel around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network.

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