Goldwire Rest Area – 24 hr free camp – WA

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We were going to be taking a break from our journey at Goldwire Rest Area but ended up staying the night.

This large 24hr free camp has all you need and had a good feel about it. It also had a much needed breeze.

You’ll find it between Eighty mile beach and Broome.

The ground is mainly gravel but you will find a few slabs to park on or next to.

As well as the many undercover seating areas there are random smaller ones around the place.

All have small wood BBQ’s next to them. Some have shade on three sides.

The northern WA free camps are all similar to this and hats good to see.

Toilets are pump action and you will find a dump point at the back.

This camp and others we have recently been to, have what look like holes in the ground with an old toilet seat?

This is separate to the obvious new toilets. Are they the original toilets maybe?

Adventure Awaits Handy & Fun Camping gear

By sunset many vans and tenter’s had pulled up. The sunset here is an added bonus 🙂

More Information

  • Location :Goldwire
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: Western Australia
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Free camp
  • Price : $0
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 121 km north to Roebuck Plains Roadhouse
  • Amenities :Toilet
  • Other :Dump point, wood BBQ’s, Many undercover seating, great sunsets
  • WIFI & Phone Reception – Tested with Boost Mobile: Limited

We use Boost Mobile while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network

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