The Loaded Dog Hotel – Tarago – NSW

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The Loaded dog

Between Lake Bathurst and Canberra is Tarago.
We had a drive to The Loaded Dog Hotel in Tarago. We had heard they do Free parking for caravans. As it was so close, we thought we would have a drive and have a look for ourselves.

 Inside the pub 

The pub had a lot of people coming and going. Being a Sunday, family’s and tour groups with people on motorbike’s had pulled up for lunch. It was great to see a pub in the middle of nowhere with so many customers.

We ordered our 2x beer, about $10.80? and had a seat by the pool table in the bar. Posters and dates of when bands played strewn the walls in one section. It must be a thriving place when they have bands playing.

I had a walk through the different rooms of the 1848 pub and loved the fireplace’s in each room. I bet it would be a lovely place to warm up and have a great meal in winter.


I spoke to the Landlord for some details:

  • Location : Tarago
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: New South Wales
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Free camp
  • Price : $0 – donation
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit – All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops:    – 30 minutes to Goulburn
  • WIFI (tested with boost): not tested
  • Amenities : none
  • Other : *Parking is in a large field behind the pub
    *Big enough for any rig and looks good for tent’s to
    *Must be self contained as no toilet/showers
    *Toilet down the road if needed, at a Recreation area/car park
    *It would be nice if people came and bought a drink or a meal
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