Nillibubbica Rest Area – Free Camp – Waterbank – WA

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One of our rest stops along the Great Northern highway was Nillibubbica Rest Area.

A large dirt area big enough for any size rig. This is about 100km north of Broome as we were heading towards Fitzroy Crossing.

A few other people had stopped to have a rest to. It’s a handy place with toilets and a dump point.

We had a chat and a coffee with some other travellers in one of the undercover seating areas.

As with other free camps along this stretch of the highway you see wood fire BBQ’s.

Large skip bins are here on your way out, so no need for litter.

A lot of the free camps/rest areas are turning out to look almost the same. But if the same means all the above I’m more then happy 🙂

Nillibubbica Rest area WA

More Information

  • Location : Waterbank

Yes – We use Boost Mobile while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network

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