Pomona Showground – Qld

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Pomona Showground is around 30 minutes west of Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. We popped in for a look while we were staying at Kenilworth Showground.

The drive from Kenilworth to Pomona was around 40 minutes so we headed there for lunch.

Pomona Showground

This camp will fit any size rig and tents are also allowed. You can stay up to 42 days although tents are only able to stay for 7 days.

Pomona Showground has lovely green mowed grass and is a popular place to stay and heaps of space. Tennis and squash courts are available if you fancy a game.

Have A Stroll

From the showground you can stroll in to town. You’ll find an IGA, pub, cafes, bakery, Distillery, bottle and clothes shops and more.

We had lunch at SpillDEBeans a funky, chilled out cafe. I love the garden courtyard with its rambling plants and quirky pots. Worth checking out just for the coffee

Bargain Avenue

More Information

  • Location : Pomona
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: QLD
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Showground
  • Price : Powered $25 pn 1 person, $165 per week 1 person, $30 pn 2 people, $198 per week 2 people. Non-powered $20 pn 1 person, $130 per week 1 person $25 pn 2 people $165 per week 2 people. Family rates and Groups rates available. Short term tenancy welcome.
  • Water ? : Yes
  • Power ? : Yes
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 1 minute
  • WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
  • Amenities : Showers, toilets, laundry
  • Other : Camp kitchen, Bins, Tennis courts, dump point, walk to shops

You can see our two stays at Kenilworth Showground here:

Check out Aussie House sitters & use our discount Coupon Code “AHS15%off”

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1 thought on “Pomona Showground – Qld

  1. Hi Sue & Larry.
    Gosh! you guys certainly get around, and do appreciate your informed content every episode.
    Am so envious and wishing I wasn’t so anchored so often.
    Aged bodies and health are a dilemma and become ever so often a ‘brick wall’, so do wish you so many happy events in travel.
    I record in a diary many sites of interest, and ever hopeful to slip into your tyre tracks…Cheers guys, and thanks again.

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