Walkabout Creek Hotel – McKinlay – QLD

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The Walkabout Creek Hotel is well known for it’s part in the Crocodile Dundee movie.

Personally I was so exited to actually camp here and check the place out. This pub is just over 100 km SE of Cloncurry and 240 km NW of Winton.

The Movie Set

The Walkabout Creek hotel has been moved to it’s currant location on the main street from it’s previous side street location.

Over time walls have been added etc so it looks a little different these days.

As well as the real bar, a movie set bar was built. This was so the locals could still use their own pub. The movie set bar is now located at the back of the pub for people to look at.

There is also a knife “That’s not a knife, this is a knife” behind the bar and a Crocodile Dundee hat if you want to dress up for a photo 😉

Many people pass through and take photo’s. The owner has signs up asking if you are only there to take photos please make a donation. They are not asking for the money for themselves but for the flying doctors.

If you were going to a movie set or other tourist attraction you would be paying so I think this is a fair call.

Walkabout creek hotel crocodile dundee

Of course if you are camping or buying a drink at the bar you can take as many photos as you like.

The Walkabout Creek Hotel

We spoke to the manager before heading out back to our powered site.

When heading into the pub for a drink and a nosy around, we passed the film set bar and had to take some photos.

How surreal to think the rest of the word has seen this and we are here 😀

I ordered a bottle of wine which came in an inventive outback wine cooler 😉 Just a little bit of the outback I love.

We settled in and asked the owner about the pub and it’s fame. She was so giving in the details and about the set and the crew.

The original cars are also out the front of the pub. The Never Never Tours lives on.

Again worth a donation to the flying doctors if not a drink at the bar 🙂

The walls of the pub are full of photos and memorabilia from the movie. You can sit and have something to eat while sitting next to a cut out of Mick Dundee or stroll around and check out the walls.

The Camp

You have a choice of powered or un-powered here. The sites are gravel and are big enough to stay hooked up.

They have toilets and showers plus a laundry.

Have a sit outside as the sunsets and watch the sky’s beautiful colours.

This was our second iconic pub/film set. The first was the Daly Waters Pub in the Northern Territory. We had watched Shane Jacobson and his crew filming.

The Daly Water Pub was also in the Aussie movie “Last Cab To Darwin” (See Daly Waters Pub Camp Here)

Just 76 km from Walkabout Creek you will find the Blue Heeler pub. we didn’t camp here but it’s another famous spot to stop for the night.

Stop for night or stop for a break. Buy a drink or buy lunch to help out our small town pubs. 

Aussie House Sitters discount use our Coupon Code “AHS15%off”

More Information

  • Location : Mckinlay
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: Queensland
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Pub Camp
  • Price : $12 un-powered – $28 power and water
  • Water ? : Yes
  • Power ? : Yes
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • WIFI (tested with boost): yes
  • Amenities : Toilets, Showers, Laundry
  • Other : Bins, Memorabilia, film set, pub, food, pool table
  • WIFI & Phone Reception – Tested with Boost Mobile: Yes

Yes – We use Boost Mobile while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network

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