4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina – Free Camp – NSW

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4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina is just over 100km east of Bourke. We had stopped at Brewarrina Caravan Park for a couple of nights after leaving Opal Caravan Park in Lighting Ridge. You can checkout Lightning Ridge caravan parks and the Pubs In The Scrub free camps here.

4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina

Driving here in our ute for a look was a piece of cake. You’re on sealed roads till you get close to the turn off to the reserve. Then the road is graded dirt and gravel all the way to the camp. We would of been happy to take our caravan here if we had known how good the road was at the time.

Tent World

Arriving, we noticed a few caravans and campers parked by the water and on the grass, under the shade of trees

A few picnic benches are around the free camp. One of which has a couple of wood BBQ’s for you to use. All have bins and shade.

River Camping

As well as the free camping sites along the Barwon River, at 4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina you can pop your boat or Kayak in. A boat ramp is here for those keen to get in to the water. Alternatively put your line in off the jetty and see if you can catch something.

Added Extras: 4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina maybe a free camp but it has toilets and showers (cold). We never expect any of those at a free camp these are always extras that are appreciated.

Fishing At 4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina

If you’re in to fishing, the “Bre Big Fish” is held every June long weekend with two days of fishing. It brings over 600 people to the region to fish along 120kms of the Barwon Darling River. Murray Cod, Yellowbelly, Black Bream and Catfish can be caught here. 4 Mile Reserve might be the perfect camp for this event.

Wireless one

Brewarrina also has 40,000-year-old, Aboriginal Fish Traps that are heritage-listed. A network of rock weirs in the water, stretch for around half a kilometre along the riverbed and was built by ancient tribes, to catch fish as they swam upstream.

These fish traps are interesting to see and are a short drive away from the camp. You can also do a tour and have a Dreamtime story told by Aboriginal elders.

So, grab your Fishing Gear, Camp Chair and Fire Pit, maybe even a Good Book. Then have a relax at 4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina.

More Information

  • Location : Brewarrina
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: NSW
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Free River Camp
  • Price : $ Free
  • Water ? : No
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: 10 minutes
  • WIFI (tested with boost): Yes
  • Amenities : Cold Showers, Toilets
  • Other : River, Fishing, boat ramp, jetty, picnic benches, shade,

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1 thought on “4 Mile Reserve Brewarrina – Free Camp – NSW

  1. Looks like a great spot Larry . We’ll get there one day. Cheers Kev and Gaye

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