Larrawa Station Nature Stay – WA

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We arrived at Larrawa after our drive north from Fitzroy Crossing. Jan, who we had met there said we should check it out.

Larrawa Station

You enter off the main highway through a gate to a 4km dirt road. Any vehicle can use it. They even use it in the wet season.

We were the first to arrive and chose a spot near the seating area. Sites have water but no power.

Skye, who came to collect our money said the water is very good. She was friendly and chatty and a great asset to the place.

We watched the sun going down as a couple of other people turned up. Larrawa Station has great sunsets!

A couple of guys on motorbikes with tents, a couple with a rooftop tent and a family with a camper trailer all turned up just on sundown.

Any size rig would fit here and be happy..

Larrawa Station Nature Stay

The sites are all grass. They have sprinklers operating on unused sites to try and keep them looking good. 

There toilets are spotless and proper flushable toilets and their shower heads are large rainwater showers.

You can go for a 1 km stroll to the river which we were told has water, all be it not a lot.

We spotted cows, horses and sheep here. This would be a spot you can chill out and relax for a few days.

As it is a working cattle station you are bound to see animals and staff working.

They close from around October to March but we would stay here again. Next time for more then one night!

More Information

  • Location : Larrawa Station
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: Western Australia
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Station
  • Price : $20
  • Water ? : Yes
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit: All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops: Just over 1 hour 30 minutes to Halls Creek or Fitzroy crossing
  • Amenities : Toilet, shower
  • Other : Animals, sunsets, undercover seating, wood BBQ’s, Fire-pit, walks
  • WIFI & Phone Reception – Tested with Boost Mobile: Limited service

Yes – We use Boost Mobile while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile network

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