Brim – Victoria – $10pn

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Lake Side Park


Brim not only has its own spectacular silo, it is also only about 35 min north of the Sheep Hills silo and about 1 hour away from the silo at Patchewollock.

After failing to see the start of the Rupanyup Silo being painted we headed north to Sheep Hills to see our first Painted Silo. Its only about 27 min north of Rupanyup

After taking in the magnitude of the Sheep Hills Silo and of course taking a few happy snaps we headed to Brim to see its silo and to camp for the night.

Brims silo is just as magnificent and so a few more photos were taken. The camp site is a handy 2 min drive away from the silo, down Swann Street, this is the main street.

Brim Lake Side Park

When we pulled in to the camp we had lots of areas to choose from. With the price being $10 with or without power, we chose power 🙂

The camp is on Yarriambiack Creek and has a little beach and boat ramp. Lovely place to have a swim or fish although we did neither.

The ground is sandy/gravely and has lots of trees for shade if needed. The amenities block has one toilet, two showers and two changing rooms in both male and female.

A large sink is at the back of the a BBQ and playground is at the front, by the water.

You can put your $10 in a red box by the amenities or like us you can go to the pub and pay there. We did this, as we like to spend our money in our small towns and the pub is always a good place to do it (no alcohol needed)

Brim Pub

After having a drink and a chat with the owners Rod and Carmel the first night we decided to stay another night at the camp and return for pizza night at the pub the next day.

The next day  at the camp we had new neighbors arrive. It’s always lovely to meet new people who have traveled and can tell you some story and give you information on places you should visit. After a good chat that afternoon we headed to the pub for pizza and they headed to see if they could get a good sunset photo of the silo. 

We ordered a BBQ meat lovers, it was stacked full of meat and was so tasty. The night before (Thursday) was pot and parma night, but we missed out on that 🙁

We arrived at the Brim Hotel about 6.30 it was happy hour and our pots were just $3 each, our large BBQ meat lovers pizza was $17, half of which we had to take home as it was so big. Carmel also brought out some bar snacks, potato fritters and Dim Sim with dips.

The People in Brim

Our neighbors came in a little later and also ordered pizza and a few drinks.

Rod, Carmel and the locals were really friendly and chatty, we were asked if we all wanted to buy a raffle ticket for a meat tray. How can you refuse a $2 ticket for a meat tray, it has to be done!

I volunteered to pick the winning ticket then thought otherwise in case I picked out my own. I picked out our neighbors ticket which was actually really good for us as they very kindly gave us the chops 😀

When each of the locals left the pub they all said goodbye to us travelers as well. We headed the 700 m back to the camp leaving the others to finish their pizza. When they got back they told us we missed the best bit, they were told about the history of the area etc. by the locals , we missed out big time 🙁

The next day we said goodbye and drove down the small main street. We passed the Pub, General Store and General Engineers waving back at one of the locals from the pub the night before.

We headed about an hour north to Patchewollock to take some photos of their silo. They have a store across the road if you need any essentials. We then carried on driving towards South Australia and our camp at Underbool, about 40 min north-west.

Please check out the stats/ map and video below

Location : Brim

  • Click for Google map location
  • State: Victoria
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Cheap camp site
  • Price : $10
  • Water ? Yes ( fill containers only)
  • Power ? : Yes
  • Will suit – All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes 
  • Drive time to nearby shops:    – 2 min
  • WIFI (tested with boost): yes 
  • Amenities : 1 toilet, 2 x showers, 2 x changing rooms in each & disabled. 
  • Other : Boat ramp, BBQ x 2 electric, Swimming, Fishing, Playground, Walk to Pub and Store, Fire pits

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6 thoughts on “Brim – Victoria – $10pn

  1. Ripper description of town facilities. Covered all the pertinent points. Brilliant. Thanks. We are checking it out in a couple of days.

    1. Cheers for the feedback Peter. It’s a great spot, enjoy your stay!

  2. Thanks for all the info and video. Definately be in Brim very soon and staying at the park, and dinner in the pub. ????

    1. thanks Janette, Hope you enjoy it as much as we did

  3. I love how informative your blogs are, it almost makes me feel like I am nearby (well just up the road a few thousand k’s) If by chance I ever get to do the gray nomad thing, I shall use your blog as my guide. Well written, bit of humour and very real. Happy travels guys xx

    1. O’Thanks Brenda 🙂
      I love that your following our travels. If we give you any inspiration to hit the road and check out our small towns I’m happy 😀
      Great to get your feedback!
      Sue xx

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