Brady’s Lake Camp – Free – Tasmania

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We had checked out Brady’s Lake before, on one of our road trips. As well as a few other lake side camps down the same road. Brady Lake seemed the best for us and our van.

Brady’s Lake Camp

Brady’s Lake is 34km south east of Derwent Bridge right on the lake. Big enough for any size rig. This is a popular spot.

We were hoping to get one of the areas over looking the water by the boat ramp but it was almost full. On the way to it we noticed a spot almost on the water, practically our own piece of paradise. We noticed a fire pit was now in the water so thought it must be high tide. After checking the soil by the van, it was dry! So we relaxed and took in the view.

The temperature at Brady’s Lake was up to 33c for the second day in a row so we thought about going for a swim. We only ended up to our knees, it was so cold.

Local Advice

After a few hours, a local on holiday came over to see us and mentioned the water was up quite high compared to other times he had camped here. And said it was meant to rain quite heavy that night. So much for relaxing in a perfect spot 🙁 To put our minds at rest we moved a little, but not far

We moved about 30 meters to our new spot. Not so picture perfect compared to almost in the water 😉 but still a beautiful spot. The rain started slowly and we hoped for much more. We do love the rain 😀

Main Camping Area

Brady’s Lake main camp spots were closer to the toilets which has a dump point behind them. Camper trailers parked in an area behind the toilets while larger vans parked in a clearing in front.

Both areas are by the big boat ramp. Quite a few people had boats and kayaks in.

More Information

We use boost Moblie while travelling around Australia as it has 3G & 4G coverage on the Telstra Mobile Network.

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2 thoughts on “Brady’s Lake Camp – Free – Tasmania

  1. 33 C…….heck, was that a heatwave for Tassy……noticed ole knobbly knees splashing about….LOL
    We have a large map of Tasmania and are marking your trail so we can sort of follow in your footsteps.
    Thanks again guys.
    Me’n Trinh

    1. Hi Dennis, we’ll also have a digital version of the road map we’ve done which we will post when we leave tassie. Could be handy for you so that it doesn’t add to the weight of your 15 diaries hahah

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