Kooma View Farmhouse – Free Camp -South Australia

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Kooma View

A Donation is welcome and worthy at this camp

Kooma View is another site that was recommended to us by fellow travelers.

You are allowed to camp outside this old farm-house thanks to the relatives of the old owners.

The absolute beauty of this place and of the family, is that they let you go inside the house and look around. They have left some of the original furniture and photos on the walls etc. so you can imagine what life was like.


jayco starcraft and colorado
Kooma View Farmhouse
kooma house

We found a place to park in front of the house and walked around the back of the house. There is a dump point, which I found amazing on private property (worth a donation in itself)

Inside Kooma View Farmhouse

once you open the fly screen door you see the key to open the main door.. yes they leave the key for you to open the house!

Once inside you can walk through the bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom etc. you could almost imagine the owners will be back any minute.

They have put the history of Kooma View on the wall in one of the rooms. Along with some photos and have a guest book you can comment in. A book exchange is also in another room.

The electric and water are not connected so do not try to use the toilet.

Outside they have a toilet behind one of the rustic doors. I didn’t have a look but apparently it’s there 😉

This information was given to us recently. Water is available: The huge concrete tank at the shearing shed is always full and black poly tank on the house is near full as it is not drawn for any purpose other than what campers use. The water at the dump point is not for consumption.

In the old garage they have a table and chairs you can sit at and more info in an old fridge. This is where you can put your donation, the place is so worth it!!

The area is big so any size van can fit, they also have a walking track that goes around the property if you fancy a stroll. It’s basically on the Eyre Highway but you can’t hear any traffic at night.

We met another lovely couple here, who have given us there must see’s in WA. If they are anything like the tips we have had so far, we are going to some great spots 😀

  • Location : Koongawa/Eyre Highway
  • Click for Google map location
  • State: South Australia
  • Pets: Yes
  • Camp type : Free camp
  • Price : $0 But donation is welcome and worth it!
  • Water ? : Yes… please see Annes message in the comment below
  • Power ? : No
  • Will suit – All sized vehicles
  • Is it on Wikicamps ?: Yes
  • Drive time to nearby shops:    – 40 minutes to Kimba and the Big Gala, heading east or 30 minutes to Kyancutta heading west (one store)
  • WIFI (tested with boost): yes
  • Amenities : Toilet
  • Other : Dump Point, walking track, undercover seating, History

East of here, you also have photo opportunity’s with the Big Gala and the Half way across sign 😉

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3 thoughts on “Kooma View Farmhouse – Free Camp -South Australia

  1. There is water at Koomaview campground. Hard water is available at the dump point but not recommended for drinking. It is suitable for gardens and livestock. The huge concrete tank at the shearing shed is always full and black poly tank on the house is near full as it is not drawn for any purpose other than what campers use. Some may not be sure about drinking but it is only rain water off the old roofs. I think it is important to have water available and that travellers use it carefully.

    1. Thanks for the update Anne, appreciate it. Will update the post with that information.

  2. ????????????????????????

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