Mobile Mammogram On The Road

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Mobile Mammogram – Big or Small Lets Save Them All

October, Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease in our community. Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) –

Being on the road for long periods or in remote locations, you might not think it’s possible to have your boobs checked.


  • Find out where you’re stopping down the track and book ahead
  • Book online at if in Queensland as we are. Or you can head to to check out where to have a mammogram in your state
  • No doctors referral necessary
  • Be in the area for a couple of weeks or so to get the results back

This is my 3rd mammogram, in the same bus, with the same lovely Radiographer who explains step by step what’s happening.

People say how uncomfortable it is. Wouldn’t you rather feel uncomfortable for a short time than live with the potential consequences of not having a check up.

I have family who have had breast cancer, one younger then myself. I have found lumps, thankfully just cysts.

What To Look For – From

  • new lump or lumpiness, especially if it’s only in one breast
  • change in the size or shape of your breast
  • change to the nipple, such as crustingulcerredness or inversion
  • nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing
  • change in the skin of your breast such as redness or dimpling
  • an unusual pain that doesn’t go away

Most changes aren’t due to breast cancer but it’s important to see your doctor without delay if you notice any of these changes.

Breast screen Australia invite woman over 50 every two years. Women over 40, like me, can also have free breast screening (Yes it’s true). They are in every territory and state, in over 600 locations.

Mammogram breast screen van caravanning traveling on the road Australia

Men are encouraged to report any changes or concerns they have about their breasts to their doctor.

Go to to find out where you can go.

Phone: 13 20 50

Be breast aware, do regular checks and book that appointment!

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2 thoughts on “Mobile Mammogram On The Road

  1. Super good info……doesn’t hurt to be reminded occasionally.
    My wife Trinh and myself are in WA at moment helping a friend on his Marron farm….
    Saving now for next leg of the journey…..Loving it out here.
    Carry on happy safe there Laz & Sue.
    Trinh & Dennis

    1. Cheers for the feedback Dennis 🙂
      I had to Google Marron farm. Thinking it might be a remote area in WA hahaha… I now understand.
      We loved stopping in WA for work on a cattle station, working with the Marron would be a bit different to cattle. It looks like it would be tasty work!
      Happy saving and travels Trinh & Dennis

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